Beer Squad offers beers that will not leave indifferent a person who cares about his health, but also wants to enjoy all the existing benefits of a beer.
This greenish beer contains extract from the flower of industrial hemp, a natural green color from chlorophyll and CBD.
Orange beer with the addition of natural aronia juice. The taste of these beer surely reminds us of the specific taste of the aronia that successfully replaced some hops in this product.
Reddish beer with the addition of red wine which is full of health features. A specific taste that connects beer and wine lovers will not leave anyone indifferent.
Our Story
An innovative young duo designed craft beers that, besides the overwhelming look of packaging, labels and color, draw attention to their health features.
Our beers contain the antioxidants and ingredients exclusively from nature which have a positive effect on human health. There are no artificial flavours or conservans. Only the nature is important!
Our beers contain the antioxidants and ingredients exclusively from nature which have a positive effect on human health. There are no artificial flavours or conservans. Only the nature is important!
The combination of superior, specially crafted beers is enhanced by industrial hemp, aronia or black wine and natural colors such as chlorophyll or black grape color. This ingridients make an ideal, refreshing taste of nature in a bottle of beer.
The combination of superior, specially crafted beers is enhanced by industrial hemp, aronia or black wine and natural colors such as chlorophyll or black grape color. This ingridients make an ideal, refreshing taste of nature in a bottle of beer.
Latest From Our Blog
Watch our latest news and find out where and when you can meet us and drink our beers with special prices!
NEW Cannabeer design!
NEW! NEW! NEW! This beer is based on lager enhanced with an extract of hemp flower. You can buy it in Croatia - Kaufland, Metro and Kitro. Enjoy!
Aroniabeer and Winebeer in Kaufland stores – Croatia!
Finally! For all craft beer lovers, our two new delicious, refreshing beers have been launched! Besides recognizable and original green Cannabeer Premium recepture, we can proudly present Aroniabeer and Winebeer! Dare to try something which looks incompatible at...
Cannabeer Premium in Kaufland stores – Croatia!
Good quality, great specific taste and health benefits. All quality and potential of our beer is recognized by Kaufland. Look for our Cannabeer Premium in Kaufland stores around Croatia! Aroniabeer and Winebeer will also come soon... BEER SQUAD - Drink healthy, be...

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Contact US
Beer Squad j.d.o.o.
Brdo 3, 10340 Vrbovec, Croatia